≡And ≡AnObject ≡AnObjectMap ≡ArrayList ≡Arrays ≡ASubObject ≡Boolean ≡Call ≡CallContent ≡CallImpl ≡Class ≡Condition ≡Config ≡ConfigAsFlatListCall ≡ConfigBean ≡ConfigCall ≡ConfigDirectoryReadCommand ≡ConfigKeysCall ≡ConfigLinkCall ≡ConfigOpenApiCall ≡ConfigReadCommand ≡ConfigReadWriteCommand ≡ConfigsCommand ≡ConfigTypesCall ≡ConfigWriteCommand ≡CosinusValueCall ≡CsvSimpleReadCall ≡CsvSimpleWriteCall ≡Date ≡DbConfig ≡DbModelBean ≡DbModelCall ≡DbModelConfig ≡DbModelDeleteCall ≡DbModelInterface ≡DbModelReadCall ≡DbModelWriteCall ≡DbSqlBean ≡DbSqlCall ≡DbSqlConfig ≡DbSqlExecuteCall ≡DbSqlInterface ≡DbSqlReadCall ≡DirectoryConfig ≡DirectoryListReadCall ≡DirectoryMapReadCall ≡DirectoryReadCall ≡DirectoryWriteCall ≡Double ≡Eq ≡ExecutorCall ≡Expose ≡FieldBean ≡FieldBeanProperties ≡FieldConfig ≡FieldConfigMap ≡FieldConfigObject ≡FieldConfigProperties ≡FieldInterface ≡FieldPropertiesInterface ≡FileBean ≡FileBeanProperties ≡FileCall ≡FileConfig ≡FileConfigProperties ≡FileInterface ≡FilePropertiesInterface ≡FileReadCall ≡FileReadWriteCall ≡FileWriteCall ≡Float ≡GithubLinkCall ≡HashMap ≡HostBean ≡HostBeanProperties ≡HostCall ≡HostConfig ≡HostConfigProperties ≡HostInterface ≡HostPropertiesInterface ≡Integer ≡JSONSerializationType ≡JsonWriteCall ≡KeepCalls ≡Like ≡LinkedHashMap ≡List ≡ListParamsBean ≡ListParamsBeanInterface ≡LogLevel ≡Long ≡Map ≡ModelBean ≡ModelBeanProperties ≡ModelConfig ≡ModelConfigList ≡ModelConfigMap ≡ModelConfigObject ≡ModelConfigProperties ≡ModelConfigScalar ≡ModelInterface ≡ModelPropertiesInterface ≡Models ≡Object ≡Or ≡Path ≡PathPattern ≡PermissionBean ≡PermissionConfig ≡PermissionInterface ≡PermissionsForBean ≡PermissionsForConfig ≡Scope ≡ShapeTypes ≡Short ≡SimpleCommand ≡SinusValueCall ≡SortOrder ≡SquareValueCall ≡String ≡StringBuffer ≡StringBuilder ≡StringLowerCall ≡StringLowerFirstCharCall ≡StringPluralCall ≡StringReplaceCall ≡StringReplaceWhiteSpaceCall ≡StringReplaceWithHtmlCall ≡StringUpperCall ≡StringUpperFirstCharCall ≡TemplateCall ≡TemplateDirResourceCall ≡TemplateResourceCall ≡TemplateResourceStoreCall ≡TheGreetingCall ≡TreeMap ≡UnmodifiableCollection ≡UnmodifiableList ≡UnmodifiableMap ≡ValueCall ≡XlsxReadCall ≡ModelConfig - ModelConfigScalar Class definitions for a scalar. 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